the best thing about (most of) the DC museums is that they're free! and because we're only about 25 minutes outside of the city, taking a spontaneous trip with an hour left before closing time is NBD.
in fact, it turns out it was the perfect time to visit with a busy two-year old. most people were leaving, so we found rockstar parking (holla!), and by the time we got into the museum, it wasn't too crowded considering it was a saturday. the hubs had to work, so one of my closest friends, choi boy's beloved auntie rina, joined us for some fun at the museum of natural history.

i've always loved this elephant that greets visitors at the entrance.
cb did, too. :)

we headed straight to the hall of mammals -- an awesome exhibit that displays all sorts of animals separated by continent.

it's a little freaky when you pause to consider that all they animals are real and stuffed, but it's amazing how close you can get to them.

cb was totally impressed and in complete awe.

we saw so many cool displays, but these two stood out the most:

look at that fashion foward orangutan with its dolman sleeves!
and my absolute favorite:

it was entitled, "busy toddler in action"
we decided to be brave and let the busy toddler out of his stroller...

and, of course, all he wanted to do was push buttons.

he's very good at pushing buttons.
we stopped for a bit at the ocean life exhibit,

hello, dory!
and then headed to the second reason for our visit...

cb was a little confused as to why the dinosaurs were just made of bones, but went with it anyway.

cb made himself very comfy in the dinosaur wing.
we even got to watch a scientist(? artist?) working on a dinosaur rendering based on some photos of bones.

very cool.
with our remaining time, we headed upstairs where we initially intended to go check out the hope diamond (and all the other pretty sparklies rina and i like to see...), but were instead greeted by this:

how serendipitous! i had no idea this gallery was here on loan!

choi boy loved checking out all the cool things from "keeya!" especially these cool little statues.
i loved seeing all the cool artifacts, too, but i love my cool little guy from "keeya" the most.
finally, we reluctantly headed to the insect zoo...

(anyone else find it ironic that the insect zoo is sponsered by orkin?)
...where i sucked it up, pretended to be above my fears, and got up close and personal with the live insect displays so my little boy could check out some bugs.
that is called sacrifice, my friends.

for reals, yo.
cb loved playing and hanging out in the large ant hill and even met a cute little pal who was playing hide and seek with her big brother.

how stinkin' cute is that exchange?! adorbs!

we checked out the butterfly garden on our way out and bid adieu to the museum.
but, not to worry, cb, we will surely be back soon...

...after all, it really measured up!
(i know, i know...i can't help it with the puns!)