Saturday, March 30, 2013

a trolley good time!

To finish off our Spring Break, we headed off to the National Capital Trolley Museum with some dear friends. Quite honestly, the grown-ups' impression of the place was a resounding, "meh," but the kids certainly had a trolley good time! (Last time, I promise.)

There were model trolleys to "operate,"
Some trolley crafts to work on,
And some general running amok while waiting to ride the trolley!

And then it was trolley time!
I had envisioned an old school trolley from decades ago, but it turns out this trolley was a transplant from Toronto circa 1994 (which I suppose *is* decades ago...yikes, how scary is that?!). It also meant that the insides were plastered with ads for the Toronto Maple Leafs, Wings, and the Ricki Lake show -- hello, middle school!

Once we got on the trolley, we were told to remain seated for the entire ride.
Within a few minutes, that suggestion was taken very lightly.
And then the littlest member of our clan gave those hooligans a staredown,
And whipped them back into shape!
At the end of the ride (it was a short little loop with a break for a trolley lecture in between...seriously), we tried to get a shot of the 4 walking kiddos, and this happened:

Then we went to go check out some old street cars (none were named Desire...sorry, I couldn't help myself),
And tried another attempt at a group shot before heading out:
Yeah, notsomuch. 

Oh well, grateful for great friends and fun times with our kiddos!

1 comment:

why, hello there! do you have something to say? 'cause i'd so love to hear it!