Sunday, March 18, 2012



we are in the middle of a stretch of crazy beautiful, sunny, almost summer-like weather.

sidenote: you might be seeing lots and lots and lots of bubble-blowing photos over the next few's one of our current faves. :)


when the weather is so lovely, it's easy for me to remember how incredibly lovely our life is.


everything is so good right now. and we are so grateful for that.


we are in a good groove and enjoying every moment (okay, *almost* every moment) that the Lord has blessed us with.


our life is so full. full of joy and laughter. full of love and sweetness. full of everything we could have hoped and dreamed of.
and we thank Jesus daily for it all.


but it's also full of busyness and schedules and demands. and as much as we take time to enjoy every (okay *almost* every) moment, our plates are quite full.

and because of that, it's been somewhat hard to take the next step in growing our family. our application materials for our second adoption have been sitting on our dining room table for the last 2 months, collecting dust and silently mocking me.

part of me has a difficult time imagining how we could possibly care for two little ones when our hands are so full with just one little bundle of endless energy. and another part of me has a hard time getting back into the mental state that is required for us to finish (okay, start) our application. i nearly break into a cold sweat remembering all the endless paperwork, essays, interviews, fingerprinting, notarizing, etc, etc, etc.

not to mention the waiting.

the waiting was so, so, SO hard. and i know it'll be just as hard, if not harder, this time around, especially given all the uncertainty surrounding the international adoption program in korea right now.

but, the biggest part of me yearns to have another little one home. another little one to share in the fullness that is our blessed life and to make our life even more full of joy.

and that is the part of me that is going to kick it into high gear and turn in our application soon soon soon. (y'all are going to hold me accountable, right?)

choi baby, if you read this one day, know that our hearts already ache for you. and though it's taking us a bit longer to get these first steps done, we know that when we see your face and finally meet you, we'll know that the timing was just right.

we can't wait to make such sweet memories with two littles...

but until then, we'll continue to soak up all these moments.

so very grateful.


  1. this is a beautiful post, grace. the words and the photos are lovely.

    i'm really excited about your journey to your second child, but definitely understand your feelings. you are so right, that everything works out the way it's supposed to. that's one of my many favorite parts about adoption.

    buuuuut, since ya asked for accountability! get off of instagram and fill out that application already!!! hee hee!

  2. :) i love this post.
    So exciting about choi baby!!!! Will be praying for your family as it expands and grows...
    especially as C becomes a big brother :)
    <3 from the jeongs

  3. choi baby:) so cute! and each journey is different (we know that from experience!) and unique to that child. Congrats on getting on the path to CB2!

  4. I'd like to know what kind of camera you use to take all these lovely photos! Although I know it's the photographer to credit =)

    1. hi there! i use an older DSLR, a nikon D70. i'm still shooting in auto, though and would like to start shooting in manual once i have the time to learn how to work all the settings! i edited the photos in picnik (which is shutting down next month) and really just played around with different effects and the exposure. seriously, i know very little about actually taking pictures! :)

  5. Daniel just looked at these photos and said, "Who's that?" When I explained, he said, "Can I please play with him some day?" We are also big bubble fans!

  6. Love the bubble photos! OK, so I could have written this post myself several months back. I totally understand everything you are saying about life being full ... and yet, you know there is someone else out there. But you can't get your butt in gear to finish those applications and part of that is fear. Fear of getting on the roller coaster knowing all the uncertainty that is involved. Boy do I get it. But it's about trust and faith and knowing that everything will turn out right in the end. Right? That's what I'm telling myself anyway! I'm excited to be your waiting buddy (again!) and to experience your journey to #2!!!

  7. The photos are just adorable... And the words?! Oh so true!!! Timing really is everything, and it's always just as its meant to be... But come on now... Finish already!!! Ok?!


why, hello there! do you have something to say? 'cause i'd so love to hear it!