Thursday, September 22, 2011

the loot.

okay, i realize it's totally obnoxious to do an entire post about presents.

but, there were so many adorable pictures of choi boy and the amazing and thoughtful gifts he received, and the last post was already *ridiculously long*, so i had to do one more post.

i know, first world problems for sure.

as i said, cb received so many amazing gifts from our friends and family. we are so grateful for the many, many people that love and know our boy so well and that wanted to simply bless him on his first birthday home.
cb and his girl, kate, checked out the stash and like a good girlfriend, kate catalogued and kept note of what was from whom so cb could send out thank you notes (that his momma is *still* working on ).

after the party, we headed to hahmee and hahbee's house for some family time, aka, my parents wanted to spend more time with the birthday boy. ;)

we all watched and cheered as cb opened his gifts. his squeals of joy were just the sweetest!
quite honestly, i think he was a bit confused about what was going on -- he didn't understand why he couldn't just stop and play with each new toy!

my sister and cousins and i also spent some time sitting around and admiring our glitter tattoos and trying to stay awake after a long night where i forced them to slave away they lovingly helped put cb's party details together.
:) love them.

one of cb's favorites was a basketball hoop from auntie tina and uncle tom who know our sports-lovin' little dude so well.

my teenage cousin, one of cb's beloved sahmchoons (uncle in korean) loving put the hoop together as cb watched with bated breath.

and soon enough, it was finally time for cb to practice his shots!

but, cb's favorite favorite FAVORITE gift?

little wellies, a raincoat, and an umbrella!
um. so.stinkin.cute.

i mean, right?!


even hahmee and her matching dress got in on the umbrella lovin'!
my mom's face cracks me up. such silliness only for her grandson! ;)

love it.

again, we are just so grateful for all our friends and family that just adore and shower our little guy with such sweet love. we know that presents are just things, so we are most grateful for the love from which these things came...thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.


  1. cb: please remember us and your first basketball hoop when you're in the nba. :D

  2. Lucky boy! And I have to tell you that Camden received that same basketball hoop for his 2nd birthday and it was his most beloved possession for YEARS. In fact, we still have it outside and Rory plays with it now.

    And I LOVE those glitter tattoos!

  3. Isaac has that raincoat/boot combo--very stylish!!!

  4. The raincoat is awesome! Super cute.

    Did the tattoos come off yet?

  5. What a cute little frog! And looks like he got some awesome loot! Have fun playing little boy!

  6. I hope you guys get lots of rain this year because CB's rain outfit is just too cute not to use as much as possible. So glad he had such a great day!

  7. I *love* that you did a whole post devoted to the gifts! :-)

    And what awesome gifts they are!

  8. Yay!! CB so deserves all that loot!! Adorable rain gear (and your mom is way cute!)!!! I love those frog boots!! I'm putting those down on my what to get Oliver list. ;) So happy to see CB had such a wonderful birthday celebration!!


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