Friday, February 3, 2012


why, hello, instafriday. it's been a while.

i really should be doing work. or laundry. but, you know how it goes.

my sister keeps pestering me that i need to blog more often. and since i can't think of anything worth its own post (or rather, my brain doesn't want to think of anything), i'm just going to use some instagram pics i haven't shared here. instagram buddies, my apologies. :)

and, onward!

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my love for sparkles and sequins this season is a little out of control. i'm trying to limit sequin wear to just once a week. i'm totally serious here.
on the other hand, a sequined skirt is very popular among the kindergarten set. ;)

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we watched the packers' loss to the giants in sadness. but ribs made us feel better. my boy can put them down!

but once the ribs were gone, here's what the scene looked like.
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choi boy has been really loving "knuffle bunny" lately. he then found "knuffle bunny too" and his signed copy of "knuffle bunny free" on the highest shelf of his bookcase...i'm really trying to be okay with two year-old hands getting all over this special copy. after all, it's *his* copy, right? right?? (that sounded convincing, no?)

my dad and cb have a very close relationship. they love each other like crazycakes and my dad is just the cutest with cb. the other week, we went for a walk in the snow, and i turned around to find the two of them like this:
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yup, the love for his grandson transcends his regard for trespassing laws.

choi boy LOVES stickers.
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a lot.

i wore this to work last friday:
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i love pajama day! making pancakes with my kinders was the icing on my flannel cake.
flannel cake sounds really gross, but you get it.

i had to seriously talk myself out of buying this at target:
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as in, i had to take it out of my cart, place it back on the rack and walk away fast.
isn't it out-of-control adorable?! wouldn't it be so freaking cute on a daughter i might have one day?
yes, i hear the ridiculousness. hence that fact that it is still at target and not in my house. but, you know, if anyone wants to send one to me for a future choi girl...just kidding. kinda.

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after being home for 13 months, we were finally able to get cb's more step (the COC) and we can check off alllll the paperwork for choi boy's adoption! whohoo! bt-dubs, cb was mostly a rockstar at the social security office. mostly.

and it's a good thing cb now has an SSN, because it seems as though he is set to go to work as a handyman:
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as i said on instagram, i really need to get cb a play tool set. and i also need to hide all my bobbypins lest they end up in sockets.

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when did they redesign the penny?! i was so confused when i saw this and thought it was a foreign coin. why would they redesign the penny???

cb's favorite show is "curious george". and i think i know why. i think cb sees a lot of himself in george. besides the mischief, they really look alike.
no, seriously:
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i mean, right?

my sister and i have a crazy ESP connection. we often find ourselves wearing eerily similar outfits, sometimes with exact same pieces. case in point:
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this is us on sunday. we put these on in our separate homes without talking to each other. we were even wearing the color nail polish.

and finally. as i sit here on my laptop posting pictures from my phone, i am cracking up about this one:
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that would be my mom and dad on their smartphones, texting and chatting with their friends (they discovered this new instant messanger-type thing in korean and are on it all the time, forwarding their friends cute little jokes or pictures, etc. they're like middle schoolers -- it's hilarious!), and cb playing with the cable remote.
what has technology done to us?!

made our lives more awesome, that's what.


happy friday, friends!

life rearranged


  1. LOVE that last funny. I remember checking out the baby girl clothes when I was a teenager and no where NEAR baby-ready. They're a force to be reckoned with. Way to be strong!

  2. I found this post to be very amusing and laughed out loud (not a fan of typing LOL) at that last picture! :) We are hoping to travel this month and bring our son, Carson, home!

  3. Even if I've seen these before... some of them are SO worth seeing again... like that last one. Are you accepting applications to join your family?!? I want it!

  4. Wow I love the "matching" outfits you and your sister have on! That definitely is a little bit spooky! :O

  5. your sequins outfit is BANANAS. love love love.

  6. OH MY is that sequinned skirt yours? love it! and love the target dress too. i am often tempted to get little girl's dresses but my excuse is that they are gifts for my nieces... haha. my husband's like, how many gifts do they need? totally can relate tho! cute matchy matchy with your sister- that is crazy similar! the last pic is awesome. love your little man.

  7. how i love smartphones! and i think wearing sparkles each week is a great idea!
    (I've bought girl clothes too -hee hee - but have since given them away since future children don't seem to be in the plans (boo hoo!) )

  8. As your instagram friend I have seen these but I was so happy to scroll through them again. Fun fun fun! And like CCL, I LOVE the last one of the family hooked on technology :)


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