Friday, October 28, 2011

insta-friday. {catch-up edition}

it's been a while since i've joined up with jeannett for insta-friday, but if there is a teeny silver lining to choi boy being sick with bronchitis (boo! and blech!), it's having extra time to waste blog. ;) well, that and the extra cuddles and sweet time with my boy (which is actually a big, fat, glittery silver lining), of course!

here are some insta moments from the last couple weeks:
i went and got my hair did. perms have come a long way, my friends. all hail the super awesome korean pama. :)

see, a far cry from the crazy, tight curls of the 80s! though, slighly uncle-jesse-from-full-house-or-inigo-montoya-like...

my boy and i made my favorite fall treat...pumpkin chocolate chip muffins:
methinks he liked them.

it's not even (quite) halloween yet and there is christmas stuff EVERYwhere. don't get me wrong, i love the most wonderful time of the year. i'd just like to fully embrace and get used to fall first before winter is shoved in my face.
choi boy, on the other hand, is mesmerized by all the twinkle lights and upon seeing santa, decided he (whom cb is not even really aware of) needed a hug.
it was very sweet, but don't think i didn't have frightening visions of the entire display falling over and on top of cb. and those frightening visions were had as i snapped that picture. first things first! duh. ;)

choi boy really loves to "play" basketball. he has no less than three basketball hoops of varying sizes and no less than 6 different basketballs littered around the house. when all of those basketballs are nowhere to be found (which happens quite a bit, actually), cb will use anything as a substitute.

the other day, i was taking choi boy's shirt off so he could get into the bath. i had forgotten that i had put his nerd shirt on as an undershirt until i saw it peeking out under the two buttons i had undone. it was as though he was reverse superman, hiding his clark kent uniform under his super one. ;)

choi boy was my date to our school's international night...we went to see my kindergartners dance the merengue (they were SO. freaking. cute.), but when cb started to get a bit antsy, we escaped to my classroom to play for a bit. when we left, cb took a souvenir with him:
why, yes, that would be an asian man in a business suit driving that tractor. perhaps cb chose something to give us a glimpse into his dual career future? hmmm...

we met up with choi boy's noona again and headed over to a local pumpkin patch.
cb was *very* excited about the pumpkins!
no, really, he was excited. he was also interested in picking up every pumpkin he could. :)

of course, before we did anything else, we had to take a ride on the train!

cb and his noona braved the moon bounce slide,

checked out some goats,
(he tried to feed this pregnant one some rocks.)

and he even shared some precious popcorn with noona.
true love.

i'm back to playing words with friends after a short school-started-and-it's-crazy! hiatus.
looks like i need some brushing up:
although, in my defense, i use "gah!" as a way of expressing shock or disgust quite frequently. so there.

piper is so sweet and patient. i love her.

cb LOVES bathtime. i mean, looooooves. he could spend hours in the tub.
his latest bathtime antic is "swimming". he lays flat down on his back and kicks his arms and legs around, often singing because his voice sounds funny underwater. it's hilarious and awesome.
my mom is convinced he got sick from all the swimming, but the doctor said cb's ears were perfectly clear, thankyouverymuch.

i may have found my newest snack obsession.
um, yes, that is a nearly empty bag almost finished during one sitting.
don't judge. they have 10g of whole grain in each serving!
so what if i ate 3 servings?!

my momma gave us a new humidifier for choi boy's room. it's korean and all sorts of fancy shmancy. it came with a handy manual written in both korean and english. and not surprisingly, it was chock full of some awesome engrish.
my favorite? the happy and angry humidifiers:
don't forget to use your humidifier "at the flat place," or it will be angry.

my boy is currently sleeping and sounding like darth vader. it's so sad and it makes my heart hurt when he has a coughing fit and is gasping for air. :( i hope the antibiotics work their magic soon soon soon.
but, in true cb-form, even a pesky illness can't get him down! except for his bouts of coughing, he is still his silly, wacky self, albeit with a crazy raspy voice.
the only difference? he's a lot more cuddly when he's sick.
which i don't mind.
not one bit.

life rearranged


  1. I haven't read your blog before, but it was so lovely to come on here and laugh at least FIVE times while having my coffee! Love your writing style, and little CB is very cute :) Thank you for making my (very rarely quiet) coffee time, a lot more happy :)

  2. Love the swimming facial expressions. Too cute. I'm sure it's even better when he sings.

  3. His facial expressions are too cute!! New follower from InstaFriday. :)

  4. Your little man is sooo cute! Looks like a fun week. haha.

  5. praying CB is fully healed and feeling better soon!

    He's SO CUTE!! I just want to give him a big ol' hug! :o)

    ummm since when is "gah" not an acceptable word??? ;o)

  6. feel better, CB!!!! Love his underwater antics.

  7. Okay, he is adorable!!! Love your shots and hoe your lil man feels better soon!

  8. hey grace! i have just abut given up on finding the time to comment on all my favorite blogs these days, but have still been reading. just had to tell you how much i still enjoy your blog. not only do you constantly crack me up but i love all of the fun photos of yourself you always include. i can always count on you for giving me a much needed laugh! :)

  9. love his superman look! you take great pics! your little man is just so adorable. sorry he's not well. hope it goes soon. so fun seeing all the fall festivities you guys do.

  10. so delightful to see..adorable
    romwe streetfashion blog, pay a visit? kisses

  11. I am now wanting a perm... love the capturing of the little moments!

  12. Hi! I hope CB is feeling better soon! I like your hair, looks great! :) Miss ya!

  13. Love this post! CB's swimming is awesome, as is your perm photo and the engrish. Thanks for the giggles!!

  14. This may be one of my fave instagram posts ever! So many morsels of goodness... except CB being sick. That's not good at all! :-(

  15. i'm so glad cb is feeling better - since i'm so behind on your blog!

    second. sage threw up a little in her mouth when she saw the photo of cb and piper. she wants to know if piper wants to take a vacation with her.

    third, the photo of the angry humidifier cracks me up! hee!


why, hello there! do you have something to say? 'cause i'd so love to hear it!