this site is AWESOME. here's the quick version of the story behind justlovecoffee.com: rob webb runs a refreshment supply company in nashville, tn, specializing in coffee. two years ago, he and his wife were in the process of adopting from ethiopia, and as rob read more about ethiopia, he learned that ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee and also learned of the living conditions and wages of the average coffee farmer, and was compelled to take action. he developed "just love" to help raise money for families adopting from not just ethiopia, but anywhere in the world. proceeds from just love also go to help the orphanage that helped raise his daughters before he and his family brought them home. what a beautiful story!
our friends, evan and stacey snyder, are currently in the process of adopting a baby from ethiopia and have set up a just love page to help fundraise costs for their adoption. we know first hand how overwhelming all these costs and saving for them can be, so we are so excited that this awesome organzation exsists and will be helping our friends! check our their site: justlovecoffee.com/snyderfamily and buy some yummy coffee! :)
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why, hello there! do you have something to say? 'cause i'd so love to hear it!